Asia: A large map dominated by the Himalayas and jungles of south east Asia.Archipelago: The world will consist of many islands.Arborea: A world almost completely covered in forest.Ancient Lakes: An all-land region featuring a large crater lake in the middle.Americas: A large map spanning from Peru in the South to America in the north.Amazon Plus: A region similar to the Amazon Jungle of South America, but with random elements.Amazon: A region similar to the Amazon Jungle of South America, but with random elements.There are also advanced map settings, which allow players to adjust aspects of a map such as ocean levels, rainfall levels, resource abundance, and the age of the world. These scripts arrange the continental land and open sea into various configurations. Maps can be randomly generated through scripts, some of which were added with the Gods & Kings and Brave New World expansions. However, there are some map scripts, such as Inland Sea, that do not feature wraparound with hard borders on all four edges.

In most cases, the map will be cylindrical with wraparound on an east–west axis, with impassible ice caps at the northern and southern edges. The map consists of a rectangular set of hexagonal tiles, and comes in six sizes. Most scenarios use premade maps, but other types of games allow players to choose their own map script and let the game generate a world for them. The map is the world on which a game of Civilization V takes place.