
Console commands stalker call of pripyat
Console commands stalker call of pripyat

console commands stalker call of pripyat

Starting to understand? Just pick up a scripted NPC corpse, drag him to a place you always go through when you visit the area (I drag the random corpse between the side of the arena and the entry of the Bar, in front of the hangar), put a weapon in it (a RPG, a sniper rifle, your gauss rifle or whatever), and either save/load or leave the area then come back, and you'll have some ammo spawned in the corpse, next to your lovely weapon, isn't that fantastic? Right, there is ammo for this weapon too. Soooo now let's see what happens when you loot a corpse and there is a weapon in it. This is were I'm starting to sound smart: when you put loot in these corpses, it's like a stash it will never disappear.

console commands stalker call of pripyat

As you probably noticed some corpses never disappear even after other people that died at the same time have vanished from the Zone most of them are from scripted NPCs, such as the military commander under the bridge, the three bandits at the entry of the Garbage, Fox, Seriy, Doctor, faction leaders and my favourite, the randomly named corpse next to a AK when you arrive at Rostok from the Garbage (there are more, such as the Duty squad in the Military Warehouses and some ambushes NPCs, but you got the point, right?). This is made to help you recovering from prolonged explorations deep in the Zone, but there is a way to make it fight for you. The first thing to understand is the fact that when you enter a part of the Zone, corpses will always provide you equipment or stashes locations, even though you already looted everything in your previous visit. This has been proved working on unpatched version of SOC. The ammo spawn glitch is a quick, free, and easy way to earn ammunition that is normally hardly found in the zone, such as sniper rifle ammo, RPG missiles or Gauss gun ammo.

Console commands stalker call of pripyat